
Anything said should not be taken as a replacement for medical, clinical or professional advice, diagnosis or medical intervention.
You assume all risks and liabilities on this page by consuming this content.

Our Favourite Books For Adults

Healthy Relationships

Gottman, J., &Silver, N. (2015). The seven principles for making marriage work: A practical guide from the country’s foremost relationship expert. Harmony.

Anything by Dr. John Gottman online or in print.

Anything by Terrence Real, more information about him and a list of his publications can be found here.

CBT for Depression, Anxiety, Stress, etc.

Greenberger, D. & Padesky, C. (1995). Mind over mood: Change how you feel by changing the way you think. The Guilford Press.



Behary, W. (2013). Disarming the narcissist: Surviving and thriving with the self-absorbed (2nd ed.). New Harbinger Publications.


Perfectionism and/or Shame

Martin, S. (2019) The CBT workbook for perfectionism: Evidence-based skills to help you let go of self-criticism, build self-esteem, and find balance. New Harbinger Publications.

Anything by Brene Brown online or in print.



Jose, S. (2016) Progressing through grief: Guided exercises to understand your emotions and recover from loss. Althea Press.

Perkins J. (2007). How to help a child cope with grief: A book for adults who live or work with bereaved children. Foulsham & Company Limited.

Schwiebert, P., & DeKlyen, C. (2005). Tear soup: A recipe for healing after loss. Grief Watch

Anything by Dr. Alan Wolfelt online or in print.


Shapiro, F. (2013). Getting past your past: Take control of your life with self-help techniques form EMDR therapy. Rodale Books.



Kurcinka, M. (1998). Raising your spirited child workbook. William Morrow Paperbacks



Hyman, B. & Pedrick, C. (2010). The OCD workbook: Your guide to breaking free from obsessive-compulsive disorder. New Harbinger Publications



Burns, D. (1999). Ten days to self-esteem. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Jelkovsky, M. (2021). The gift of self-love. Blue Star Press



Petracek, L. (2004). The anger workbook for women: How to keep your anger from undermining your self-esteem, your emotional balance, and your relationships. New Harbinger Publications.


Mindfulness and Self-Compassion

Davis, M., Eshelman, E., & McKay, M. (2008). Relaxation and stress reduction workbook. New Harbinger Publications.

Neff, K., & Germer, C. (2018). The mindful self-compassion workbook. Guilford Press.

Stahl, B., & Goldstein, E.(1998). A Mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. New Harbinger Publications.

Anything by Dr. Kristin Neff, John Kabat-Zinn or Jack Kornfield online or in print.


Body Image

Cash, T. (2008) The body image workbook: An eight-step program for learning to like your looks. New Harbinger Publications.


Parts Work/IFS

Weiss, B (2011). Freedom from your inner critic: A self therapy approach. Pattern System Books.



Bourne, E. J. (2010). The anxiety and phobia workbook (5th ed.). New Harbinger Publications.


Our Favourite Books For Adolescents

Dobosz, L. (2016). Perfectionism workbook for teens. New Harbinger Publications.

Nelson, . (2008). What’s eating you? New Harbinger Publications.

Schab, L. (2008). The anxiety workbook for teens. New Harbinger Publications.

Schab, L. (2008). Beyond the blues. New Harbinger Publications. (For Depression)

Schab, L. (2008). The self-esteem workbook for teens. New Harbinger Publications.


Our Favourite Books For Children

Huebner, D. (2006). What to do when you worry too much. Magination Press.

Huebner, D. (2007). What to do when your brain gets stuck: A kids guide to overcoming ocd. American Psychological Association.

Toner, McDonell and Freeland. (2015). What to do when mistakes make you quake: A kid’s guide to accepting imperfection. American Psychological Association.


Center for Loss & Life Transition

Andrea Warnick Consulting

Julien’s House

Canadian Alliance for Grieving Children and Youth


Anxiety, Depression and Other Issues




Disarming the Narcissist

Mindfulness, Meditation and Self-Compassion

True North Insight

Spirit Rock Meditation Centre

Self-Compassion, Dr. Kristin Neff


Healthy Relationships

The Gottman Institute


Shame and Perfectionism

Brené Brown

  Distress Centre of Windsor-Essex County

Free, anonymous, confidential helpline that provides emotional support by trained volunteers 365 days/year.

Distress Line: 519-256-5000, 12:00pm-12:00am

Text Line: 741741, 2:00pm-2:00am

Online Chat


Family Services Windsor-Essex

Charitable organization helping people to choose their own place in the world through counselling and individual support services.

1770 Langlois Ave Windsor, ON N8X 4M5

1-888-933-1831 (24/7 Phone Service)


Teen Health Centre

Confidential healthcare for youth between the ages of 12 to 24.

1361 Ouellette Avenue, Suite #101

Monday-Friday: Various hours (see website)



Canadian Mental Health Association

Offers a wide range of free services and programs to support individuals experiencing mental health challenges.

1400 Windsor Ave

Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm



Windsor Family Health Team 

The Windsor Family Health Team offers high quality primary health care for residents in Windsor and the surrounding areas.

Community Crisis Centre

Free, confidential crisis intervention provided by professional crisis workers

24/7 Phone Crisis Line and/or Walk in Services


Windsor Regional Hospital

(Ouellette Campus)

Emergency Department

1030 Ouellette Ave. Windsor, ON


Windsor Essex Community Health Centre

Equitable, safe, quality care that is client-centered and close to home. We operate six locations throughout Windsor and Essex County, which include Diabetes Wellness, Leamington, Pickwick, Street Health, Sandwich, and Teen Health.


Hospice of Windsor

The Hospice provides care at no cost in our two Hospice Residences (Windsor and Erie Shores/Leamington), through the Community Palliative Medicine Program and through our Wellness Programs and Services.



Traditional Stability Centre

Free, confidential walk-in services provided by professional mental health support workers.

744 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, ON

Open 7 days a week 8am-8pm



Hiatus House

Emergency shelter in a safe and secure building for women experiencing abuse and their children.

250 Louis Avenue
Windsor, Ontario N9A 1W2

Phone: (519) 252-1143

24-Hour Crisis Line: (519) 252-7781

Toll Free: 1-800-265-5142

TDD: (519) 252-2768



Bounce Back Ontario

Bounce Back Ontario is a free skill-building program managed by (CMHA). It is designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, and anxiety, stress, or worry. Delivered over the phone with a coach and through online videos, individuals will have access to tools that will support them on their path to mental wellness.




Trans Wellness Ontario

Trans Wellness Ontario provides a wide variety of mental health and wellness services to persons who identify as LGBTQIA2S+, including peer mentorship support, counselling services, and a support line.

1435 Tecumseh Rd. E.

Windsor, ON





Useful if looking for a specific type of service. Offers information on social, community, health and government services in Southwest Ontario.


Sexual Assault Crisis Centre

Free confidential services

1770 Langlois Ave,  Windsor, ON   N8X 4M5

519-253-3100 / 1-844-900-7222

24 HOUR CRISIS LINE   519-253-9667


St-Clair College, Student Counselling Centre

Counsellors are here to assist students in adjusting to the demands of college life by helping them with academic planning, stress and problem solving, career and educational planning. All counselling is voluntary, by appointment, easily arranged and confidential.  

University of Windsor, Student Counselling Centre

The Student Counselling Centre (SCC) is a space where registered students can access confidential mental health services at no additional cost to them. 

GECDSB has a great page for parents seeking resources for children and families

Mental Health Programs & Services for Children & Youth


Kid’s Help Phone

Kid’s Help Phone offers supportive counselling, referrals, and text-based services to youth aged 29 and under who are in crisis or distress. This service is available 24/7 during the pandemic by phone at 1-800-668-6868 or by text at 686868.



Maryvale offers a number of mental health and wellness programs for children/youth, including counselling and mental health treatment programs. 519-419-1397

3640 Wells Street

Windsor, ON


Teen Health Centre

Teen Health offers confidential healthcare, nutrition counselling, and individual/group therapy provided by a community healthcare team for youth between the ages of 12 to 24.


1361 Ouellette Avenue, Suite #101

Windsor, ON


Children First

Children First offers mental health services for young children and their families. Services include a wide range of preventative and treatment interventions, including child and family assessments, brief therapy and counselling, and other supports.


105-2565 Ouellette Ave

Windsor, ON


Regional Children’s Centre

The Reginal Children’s Centre provides quick and confidential access to mental health services for children and youth ages 18 and under and their families/guardians. As a result of COVID-19, RCC is offering walk-in counselling clinic services by phone from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. on Mondays-Thursdays and from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on Fridays free of charge.


3901 Connaught St

Windsor, ON


Mental Health Programs & Services for Older Adults


Life After Fifty

Life After Fifty provides free telephone assurance and social contact to older adults through weekly phone calls from a screened volunteer.


West Side Centre: 635 Mc Ewan Ave, Windsor, ON

East Side Centre: 8787 McHugh, Street Windsor, Ontario

How Many Times Will I Need to Attend Counselling?

Each person is different and their problems are unique to them. A general idea of how many sessions you may need will be discussed with you at your first session. However, the number of sessions recommended is subject to change based on progress in therapy as well as many other variables such as motivation of the client, how much work they do between sessions, and the severity of the issue.

How Do I Know If I Need Counselling?

Here are some symptoms to look for to determine if you or someone you know might benefit from counselling:

  • Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
  • Problems with sleep, eating habits, concentration, school, work, and/or relationships
  • Persistent worry
  • Prolonged sadness
  • Feeling depressed, lethargic, or apathetic
  • Thoughts of suicide or wanting to harm yourself
  • Increased irritability, inappropriate mood swings, angry outbursts
  • Engaging in bizarre, threatening, disruptive or dangerous behaviour
  • Indecisiveness or difficulty making decisions
  • Loss of control of your life
  • Experiencing uncertainty about your choice of relationship, schooling or career
  • Feeling concerned about the behaviour or psychological status of someone else (i.e., partner, family member, peer) and wondering about how or if you should intervene
  • Physical reactions such as fatigue, insomnia, sleeping too much, lack of motivation, headaches, nightmares, hyperactivity, startle reactions, exhaustion, diarrhea
  • Cognitive reactions such as difficulty concentrating, solving problems or making decisions, memory problems, flashbacks
  • Emotional reactions such as fear, guilt, emotional numbing, over sensitivity, anger, irritability, anxiety, depression, feelings of helplessness

*If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the above symptoms, we encourage you to consider seeing a counsellor.

What Is An Ideal Client?

People who follow the “Ideal Client Profile” below are more likely to be successful in meeting their goals  in counselling.

An ideal client has these qualities: Self-motivated to learn and make positive changes; willing to take risks and try new things; accepts feedback; understands the 90/10 law – that 10% of what you learn happens in sessions and 90% of what will help you occurs outside of sessions when you use techniques and coping skills and give me feedback on them.

An ideal client appreciates: that there may be times they will need to take risks and try new things to make positive changes in their life.

An ideal client values: practical strategies, sincerity, and humour (as social worker brings these to their practice).

An ideal client understands: the importance of taking responsibility for their own part in therapy by showing up on time, communicating cancellations quickly, completing tasks in between sessions.

An ideal client agrees to: be open to new things in and out of sessions that will help them work toward their goals; attend sessions on time and fully participate in sessions; let social worker be the coach but also to let social worker know what will help them to meet their goals.

Reference: Lynn Grodzki, “Twelve Months to Your Ideal Private Practice”

Where Can I Get Counselling If I Can’t Afford the Fee?

Free/Subsidized Counselling:

*Most, if not all of these agencies offer counselling in Windsor and in various locations across Essex County

  • Family Services Windsor Essex
  • Hiatus House (group counselling for survivors of gendered violence)
  • Hospice of Windsor (people living with cancer and their families)
  • Windsor Essex Community Health Centre (12 sessions)
  • Sexual Assault Crisis Centre
  • St-Clair College Student Counselling Centre (students of St-Clair)
  • Teen Health Centre (youth under age 25)
  • University of Windsor, Student Counselling Centre (students of the U of W)
  • Windsor Family Health Team and many county Family Health Teams
What Should I Know About Video and Phone Counselling?

*During the time of COVID-19, clients may be offered phone and/or video counselling sessions. Please read over the following consent to understand more about the use of technology and counselling. 

Informed Consent Checklist for Video and Phone Counselling and Psychotherapy Services with Michelle Weglarz, MSW, RSW

Prior to starting video and/or phone conferencing services, we discussed and agreed to the following:

• I understand that my social worker will use PHIPA and PIPEDA compliant electronic information and communication technologies.
• Confidentiality still applies for these services per our service agreement.
• No one will record the session or take photos/screen shots without the permission from the others person(s).
• If we agree to use the video-conferencing platform selected for our virtual sessions, the social worker will explain how to use it.
• For video sessions, you need to use a webcam or smartphone during the sessions.
• It is important to be in a quiet, private space that is free of distractions (including cell phone or other devices) during the session.
• There are potential benefits and risks of video/phone conferencing that differ from in-person sessions. It is important to use a secure internet connection rather than public/free Wi-Fi.
• It is important to be on time. If you need to cancel or change your tele-appointment, you must notify the social worker in advance by phone or email.
• We need a back-up plan (e.g., phone number where you can be reached) to restart the session or to reschedule it, in the event of technical problems.
• If you are not an adult, we need the permission of your parent or legal guardian (and their contact information) for you to participate in these sessions.
• You should confirm with your insurance company that the video sessions will be reimbursed; if they are not reimbursed, you are responsible for full payment.
• As your social worker, I may determine that due to certain circumstances, video or phone sessions are no longer appropriate and that we should resume our sessions in-person.
• Therapeutic treatment for mental health, both in person and through video and phone services, has been found to be effective in treating a wide range of clients. Individual results and responses to therapy may vary. I understand that results of any therapy, whether in person or through phone or video services, cannot be guaranteed.
• If I have any concerns or questions regarding the use of technology in therapy, I will address them with my social worker.

If you are sick with a cold or flu or any other contagious illness please stay home and call to cancel your appointment as soon as possible.
Cancellation fees will only be waived in the event of a medical emergency, requiring urgent professional treatment, a sudden death in the family or a natural disaster.

I Think I May Be Ready to Start Counselling. What Should I Do Now?

See the Practitioners page of our website to determine who would be a good fit for me and contact them directly. You can also use our Contact Us page for any additional questions.

I Signed Up to Attend an Event, but Now I Can’t Make it. Can I Get a Refund?

In order to cancel your participation in an event, we ask for at least 1 week notice to receive a full refund. Cancellations within 1 week of the event will not be refunded, unless there is an emergency or illness preventing you from attending.